Sunday, November 15, 2009

Experimental Blog #3

Comments on 2 books

"Seasick" - Ocean Change and the Extinction of Life on Earth by Alanna Mitchell

In the chapters of this book the author visits over half a dozen places in the world's oceans and seas. Although the author is not a scientist she seems to have the understanding of a professional oceanographer of about the last 150 years of the affects of human activities on the "world ocean", especially the massive emissions of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. She reports that the biophysics and biochemistry of all the world's oceans and seas have been affacted to very great depths, even to thousands of feet, and these profound changes will have unknown, but certain, and probably gloomy results on all life on the planet.

The book is also a very good travel book.

"In Mortal Hands - A Cautionary History of the Nuclear Age" by Stephanie Cooke

This book is a very impressive accomplishment. It is very comprehensive and contains the histories, or stories, relating to nuclear weapons and nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, of many periods, countries, and events. To mention only a few, especially interesting is the author's retelling of the 1962 Cuban Missle Crises, Three Mile Island in 1979, and Chernobyl in 1986.

The entire history of nuclear weapons and energy, from the Manhattan Project right up to 2009, is in this book.

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