Friday, February 5, 2010

Experimental Blog #15

Comments on the book "Ayn Rand - And the World She Made" by Anne C. Heller

When I was writing my comments in my last blog about the Ayn Rand biography by Jennifer Burns, I decided to save my major remarks until after I had read this biography by Anne Heller. This second book about Ayn Rand, which also came out in 2009, is much longer and more detailed. It was also very fascinating and educational.
However, other than agreeing with thousands, if not millions of other people, that Ayn Rand deserved to be called a genius of her age; which is demonstrated many times over by remarkable book quotations and other remarks; I don't see much point in my repeating what probably thousands of other people have said, or will say about her or her books, either positively or negatively.
I will only state that I was extremely affected by learning about Ayn Rand's literary and political life, especially during the late 1940s through the 1960s; and my own relationship to all of that in the 1960s and '70s. These are decades that can hardly be exaggerated for people of my age. Reading Jennifer Burn's and Anne Heller's Ayn Rand biographies helped me very significantly to understand my place and relationship to politics and in society in general.
My last remark is to wonder, "How much will people be reading and be influenced by Ayn Rand's books 50 years from now; compared to today, over 50 years after her books were written?"

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