Thursday, November 18, 2010

Experimental Blog #47

Comments on "Going Rogue - An Anerican Life" by Sarah Palin

In this book by Sarah Palin the author reveals a very noticable and unusual ability to recognize and describe her mistakes in a simple factual manner. Other qualities revealed are Sarah's very impressive energy and her quick recovery from setbacks of different kinds. By far the greater part of the book is very informative and persuasive about herself, her exceptional family, and the state of Alaska and its politics, both Republican and Democrat.
Sarah Palin describes herself as a "Commonsense Conservative," and it might be true that many Americans think, along with her, that more prayer, or prayerfulness, would do as much, or more, for America in the long run as any trillion dollar "stimulus package."
Only toward the very end of her book does Sarah Palin expand on her common, and questionable, belief in the "specialness" of Americans. Can it really be true that America and Americans are organically different from all the world's other people today, as well as at other times in the world's history, as she seems to suggest?

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