Monday, May 14, 2012

Experimental Blog #114

Comments on and quotes from "The Dolphin in the Mirror" - Exploring Dolphin Minds and Saving Dolphin Lives by Diana Reiss

This book is about the author's lifetime work with bottlenose dolphins; plus a well-known encounter with one humpback whale named Humphrey, although it turned out to be female.

The relationships of people, such as Diana Reiss, with dolphins and other cetaceans are uncanny and thought provoking. Especially fascinating are the many well-documented remarkable accounts of dolphins actually saving people who are exhausted and likely to drown in the ocean.

"Dolphin brains are approximately 4.2 times larger than expected for their body size - the highest ratio of any species other than humans"{which ratio is 7.0},"making them easily the second most cerebrally endowed species on the planet, way ahead of the great apes."
"Another measure of intelligence and brain complexity is based on the amount of cortical folding."
"Our brains are more convoluted than those of our primate relatives. Only one brain is known to be more heavily convoluted than ours. Again, it's the dolphin brain."

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