Friday, September 20, 2013

Experimental Blog # 167

Notes from "Bankrupting Physics" - How Today's Top Scientists Are Gambling Away Their Credibility by Alexander Unzicker and Sheilla Jones

"According to the "standard" or "concordance" model of cosmology, the universe is made up of 4 percent usual matter, while the rest consists of invisible substances such as dark matter and dark energy."
Light travels at the speed of light no matter how fast you are going, or whether you observe it sitting or moving.

"   time is measured differently in a moving system than in one at rest, with the strange result that clocks in motion have to run slower. As startling as this may seem, the famous factor by which time passes slower{the square root of 1 minus velocity squared / divided by the speed of light squared} is derived by simple logic."
   "The name of this surprising fact is "time dilation." "
"For general relativity{the equation} is 1 minus 2 x gravitational constant x mass of Earth / divided by radius of Earth x speed of light squared."
   "Accordingly, time runs slower for one day in New York than at the top of one of Colorado's many mountains. But the difference is a mere forty nanoseconds." " .. it is indeed measurable with atomic clocks."

"Envisioning an absolute time, which flows without any relation to matter, might be completely false, as false as Newton's notion that absolute space without matter exists."

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