Friday, November 1, 2019

Experimental Blog # 234

Comments about "Becoming" by Michelle Obama

     Michelle Obama is the eleventh First Lady of the United States to write a book about her life's experiences. The first one was Julia Dent Grant, but her book was not published until many years after it was written.
    Michelle Obama can easily be described as intelligent, highly motivated, and an ultra-achiever; and her husband, Barack, can easily be described that way, too. Besides that, they both became lawyers.
    The book, "Becoming", starts out with many very strong descriptions of her childhood and youth, and of her very extensive family relationships. She starts her working life with several jobs that all seem to involve helping disadvantaged people in one way or another; and, so, she meets her future husband, and President of the United States; who is doing similar work.
    After they get married she also writes very much about their two daughters.
    Michelle Obama's entire focus, at least beyond bringing up her daughters, seems to be on changing society, specifically, American society. To the end of her book she is so involved with these efforts, in a variety of ways, that, except for rather briefly describing a few trips to England and Africa, she writes almost nothing about the rest of the world. The rest of the world could be India, China, South America, Russia, or other parts of Europe or Asia, or the United Nations. Nor does she write  very much, or anything, about meeting the leaders, or other people, from these countries, or places, in Washington, D.C..
    Nonetheless, Michelle Obama's book has to be considered a very important book, and it will very probably remain so for a long time. Everybody, at least all Americans, should read it.
    Everybody is human, of course; but, probably, many Americans thought that, whatever their politics might have been, Michelle and Barack and their family were among the best American families to ever live in the White House. If there is such a thing as "American luck", it seemed to show up during their time.

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