Saturday, May 11, 2013

Experimental Blog # 156

Quotations and comments from "Death Zones and Darling Spies" - Seven Years of Vietnam War Reporting by Beverly Deepe Keever

" .. in escalating the U.S. military presence in Vietnam, Kennedy brushed aside the prophetic warning given to him in 1962 by French general Charles de Gaulle: "You will, step by step, be sucked into a bottomless military and political quagmire."
"These newcomers < > about 6,000 < > nearly tenfold the limit of 685 < > allowed < > under international accords agreed upon on July 21, 1954 .. "
"Also, as the American public was to learn years later, breaching this international agreement was Kenndy's secret order initiating covert operations against North Vietnam and Laos conducted by U.S. Special Forces .."

Beginning in 1961, "U.S. helicopters would go on to fly an amazing number of over thirty-six million{!!!} flights over South Vietnam and North Vietnam."

"Unwilling to support either a Communist takeover of  Vietnam or continued French colonial rule, Eisenhower vigorously supported Diem as a third force." "If elections had been held in 1956, Eisenhower is quoted as saying that 80 percent of the Vietnamese people would have voted for Ho Chi Minh .."

"Calling Republican Senate leader Everett Dirksen for the second time, Johnson implored him to intervene again with Nixon < >"'They're contacting a foreign power in the middle of a war. < > This is treason." Dirksen responded simply, "I know."" This is regarding Richard Nixon's contacts with the South Vietnamese before the 1968 American election.

"On June 8, 1969, Nixon announced the United States would unilaterally withdraw 25,000 troops from Vietnam. Like a giant yo-yo, U.S. numbers began a free fall, from a peak of 543,000 on March 31, 1969, until on December 31, 1973, "less than 250" U.S. military personnel were assigned in Vietnam."??!!

The last chapter of Beverly Deepe Keever's book is mostly about Pham Xuan An, the author's evidently remarkable "associate and a Communist spy."

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